喜剧电影 玩具枪 正片


MarcoSerafini 卢克·阿伦-盖尔费德里克·卡斯特鲁西奥约翰·汉纳JanineHorsburghClaireJohnston 喜剧电影 德国 2019 查看整部剧情
剧情:《玩具枪》是属于喜剧电影类型,官方公布的演员表主要是卢克·阿伦-盖尔费德里克·卡斯特鲁西奥约翰·汉纳JanineHorsburghClaireJohnston,官方公布的主要简介说的是THE TOY GUN is a funny dark comedy about a character who looks to show the world the despair his ex-wife has left him in through a poorly thought out gesture, only to find himself worthy to move on thanks to the advice of his reformed ex-con neighbor and his newfound, albeit stolen, cash injection.